My team and I were tasked with creating a video campaign for Fromm Family Pet Food, complete with one produceable ad to be shot, edited, and presented at the end of the semester. 
Love Language / Purrs of Affurmation / :30
In a naturally lit bedroom, a twenty-year-old woman wakes up next to her soulmate, her cat Daisy. Bella wakes up, stretches, and starts her day by saying “good morning” (ish) to her cat. 
It's a bright and sunny as Bella and Daisy begin their “conversation.”
Bella: Who’s da whittle whittle whittle girl whos the girl of the world? Mwah mwah, little angel! Aday want kiss? Petties for da whittle! 
Subtitle: Who’s my cutest girl? You want a kiss? Kisses for my little girl.
Bella gets up and out of bed and walks to her kitchen. Daisy follows suit. 
Bella: Comeoncomeon! Hungie baby! Ohh codo codo. 
Subtitle: Come over here!  You hungry little baby? 
Bella opens a can of Fromm Cat-A-Stroni.
Subtitle: I love you! 
End tag:  VO:  Tell them you love them.
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